Saturday, May 17, 2008


so i started making this hat with semi-intentions to sell it, and my sister decided she wanted it, so here it is. i'm going to start another one soon, to sell it. i need money, yo! but i really like how it came out. thank you becca for fixing the pattern and making this hat first haha. ps this was the first time i used: 3 skeins at once, circular needles, dpn's (more than one at a time, lol), and making a hat. all were firsts for me lol. so, pretty excited about the turn out. and i started this yesterday. :]


i wish you would step back from that ledge my friend...

okay, that was a dedication to jo stout.

anyway, my baby jumper is halfway finished. i finished it wednesday or thursday. it looks weird on my compter like that, but there was sauce on the tablecloth. ew. so that's that. i'm adding a new entry for the hat i made. and ps, i hope someone forces me to finish this jumper. i need to do the back part and i have a feeling i'm not gonna do it. help!

Friday, May 9, 2008


i've been knitting a baby jumper (3-6 month old) for about 2 weeks now. i've been trying to knit it every second i get because it's a seed stitch for 8 1/2 in. and its 101 stitches wide, so it took forever to get past that point. but last night i reached that goal, so i'll post pictures when it gets to look more like a jumper haha.


Monday, May 5, 2008

my first pair of mittens.

I made these in January/February. Aw, first mittens ever.